Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Cloth Diapers Journey

Saya memulakan memakai CD (cloth diapers) to my DD (dear daughter, fatin) semenjak hujung tahun 2007 atas nasihat doktor anak saya. anak saya pengidap eczema yang sangat teruk dan it happened through the year especially when i ate seafood due to her fully BF (breasfeed). i try to consume less seafood but sometimes i cannot avoid it as well. namun eczema dier cuma kat satu tempat ajer iaitu kat bontot, memang pantang berpeluh lebih2 mesti naik ruam. kalau lambat tukat diapers mesti rashes teruk. di tambah plak kalu dia sakit makan antibiotik selalu gak kena rashes. macam-mcam disposable diapers dah saya try dari brand murah ke brand mahal (paling mahal pun huggies ajerlah yang mampu pun) tapi tak berjaya mengurangkan rashesnya. sampailah satu hari doktoryang biasa merawat dia suggest saya pakai lampin (an ordinary traditional lampin) . after i used it for two weeks, alhamdulillah she was no longger suffer from rashes except kalau saya makan seafood lagi. dari situ saya terus jer pakai lampin kain tiga segi tu dan saya search for cloth diapers.

i never thought that this traditional triangle folded lampin have emerged to modern cloth diapers which is more cuter design, easy to wear and as easy as wearing the disposable diapers, LOL. then after that i became one of the cloth diaper fan (not a fan actually, maybe consider as CD addict). everyday i m looking for a good CD with a worth price to buy for my DD. if i got extra money i will find CD to buy. and it is worth buying sebab boleh gunakan CD tu long term sehingga anak-anak yang berikutnya. thats why i never regret to wear and buy CD for my daughter.

now i have another child, DS (dear son, fakhri) is now using CD as well. he just wear his sister CD and they can even sharing their CD. my DD is on potty train, so i just used Cd when se is going to bed only (sebabnya banyak dah kes terbocor ni).

the reason why i still stick to wear this CD because i dont want my younger child suffer from rashes like what his sister does and of course it save me alot from buying dispo. currently, im 100% Cding my children. it is a great experience to Cding your child. there are a lot of CD in the market nowadays, not like the day a started using CD , where there is only a few online store sell CD. one of the benefit CDing i see is the child will potty train early compared to other child on dispo.


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